Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction program


Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction programs

Licence number: 779
Title: PRS 24 - Coal handling plant water management feasibility study
Start date: 01 Feb 2020
Licence Condition
The licensee must review options for further water management relating to environmental improvement measures at the Bayswater Coal Handling Plant (the Bayswater Coal Handling Plant Water Management Feasibility Study). The Bayswater Coal Handling Plant Water Management Feasibility Study must include, but is not limited to, the following. (a) A further assessment of options identified in the report titled "Bayswater Coal Handling Plant Sediment Basin" (AECOM, 2017), submitted to the EPA in response to Coal Handling Plant (CHP) - Assessment of water quality and management EIP (previously completed as condition of the licence). These options include, but are not limited to: Option 2 - Operational re-use of Coal Handling Plant sediment basin water; Option 11 - Flocculation; Option 12 - Optimising the launder system; and Option 13 - Upgrade the existing CHP basin.(b) Identification and assessment of other potential options that may be available to deliver improved water management at the CHP. (c) Consideration of the environmental outcomes, practicality, efficacy and cost. (d) Determine practical and feasible option/s to reduce the risk of coal fines potentially discharging from the CHP to Tinkers Creek and causing the pollution of waters. The licensee must provide a report to the EPA that outlines the Bayswater Coal Handling Plant Water Management Feasibility Study, including key investigations, findings and recommendations. The Bayswater Coal Handling Plant Water Management Feasibility Study Report must be provided to the EPA at PO Box 488G, Newcastle NSW 2300, or emailed to Date for completion: 1 March 2021.